Rich Content


This tool allows you to build stand-alone pages inside of your widget using our Rich Content editor

You can do things like:

  1. Add H1, H2, H3, ect

  2. Change text size and color

  3. Add images and videos

  4. Add hyperlinks

  5. And so much more!

Use Cases:

  • Build individual content pages (like blog pages) directly inside of your widget for your audience to read and consume

  • Educate your customers or audience on critical features or processes within your application or business

  • Create media-rich experiences inside your widgets that draw attention and help sell your products and services

Configure Rich Content Tool

Step 1: Open Tool

Navigate to your widget management area in your CRM software and open the Rich Content tool.

If you have not added this tool to your widget yet, add the tool first, then you can configure the tool settings. Click here to learn how to add new Conversion Toolsβ„’

Step 2: Set Tool Titles

  • Title: Set the name of the Rich Content tool that will be displayed on the initial widget view.

  • Panel Title: Define the text that appears at the top of the Rich Content tool once it's activated by a visitor.

Step 3: Configure Tool Visibility

In the Tool Visibility section, specify when the Rich Content tool should be visible based on your office hours found in the widget settings.

Step 4: Add Rich Content

Type your content into the given field. You can change the text format by adding headings, bulleted lists, number lists, quotes and text boxes. You can also change the font size, color, and highlight as well as bold, italicize, underline, or strike-through text. You have the ability to insert code, links, and videos.

Last updated