Getting Started

1. Enable Your Widget

  • Click to enable the default widget.

  • Save the settings to view a preview of what the widget will look like.

Widget Builder

2. Customize Your Widget

  • Navigate to "Widget Settings."

  • Here, you can customize various aspects of the widget:

    • Its appearance

    • Location on your webpage

    • Custom branding options, and more

Widget Builder

3. Add Conversion Tools™

  • Initially, no Conversion Tools™ will be visible in the widget preview.

  • To add tools, click on "Add Tool" and select from a library of different tools.

  • You'll need to configure each tool individually. Resources are available in the help center for guidance.

Conversion Tools

4. Create Smart Popups™

  • You can build popups to highlight specific actions you'd like your visitors to take.

  • These popups have several customizable options including:

    • Triggering settings

    • Visibility settings

    • Display settings

    • Media elements and more

Smart Popups

5. Install Your Widget

  • Go to the "Installation Script" section.

  • Copy and paste the installation script into your application or web page where needed.

  • If you encounter issues, refer to help articles specifically designed for various applications and web pages.

Widget Builder

Last updated